Friday, August 26, 2011



Police finance

Police forces in England and Wales are each given funding from three main sources.

These sources are the Home Office, the Department for Communities and Local Government OR the Welsh Assembly Government, and the police precept component of local council tax.

In addition to government grants and police precept, police authorities also generate income for themselves from charging for policing commercial events (includes sporting and entertainment but excludes charity and some small community events) and from investments (both interest and dividends).

Police officer : Salary and conditions
Range of typical starting salaries: between £22,104 on commencing service and £26,109 on completion of the initial training period (salary data collected December 2009).
Range of typical salaries with experience (e.g. after 10-15 years in the role): £34,707-£39,006 (sergeant); £44,469-£48,234 (inspector) £49,221-£51,246 (Chief Inspector) (salary data collected December 2009).
London weighting (of up to £6,501) and additional competency-related threshold payments are available for all ranks.

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